Open Innovations

JSON Table Schema Builder


Auto-magically generate a JSON table schema file to go with a CSV file. Just follow these three (or four) steps:

1. Select a CSV file

Add your CSV file (we'll work with it within your browser; it won't get uploaded anywhere unless you choose to do the validation step at the end).

Drop CSV file here (or click to browse files)

2. Check the auto-detection

We make a guess at the data types for each column based on the majority of the values. Check our guesses and change them if necessary. You can also edit the column headings that will be used in the schema. Remember to scroll to the right for wide tables to see all the columns.

3. Save the JSON Table Schema

or copy and paste the output into a file with a .json extension.

4. Validate

Optional: be extra awesome and check that your CSV and JSON table schema validate on If you'd like to do that, first you'll have to select the JSON file that you just saved in step 3:

Drop JSON file here (or click to browse files)

Warning: validating will mean that both your CSV file and JSON schema are sent to CSVlint. If your data is sensitive, secret or otherwise shouldn't be shared, don't do this.