Process for hiding original data with modified content.
Data obfuscation or masking is a way of hiding confidential data such as credit card numbers, names etc. by using modified content whilst trying to ensure the data remains useful/meaningful.
Some common techniques are:
- Hashing;
- Substitute values;
- Encrypting the data with a key;
- Shuffling the data within the same field/column;
- Partially deleting data;
- Scrambling the characters.
As with all anonymisation techniuques, care needs to be taken that the process is not reversible. For example, a simple rotation or substitution of characters is vulnerable to codebreaking techniques to reverse the coding.
PostgreSQL has a number of masking functions: https://postgresqlanonymizer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/masking_functions/ Faker in Python can also be used for data masking: https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker